Appendix 2 - Public Health Covid Recovery Projects


Project Cost

a.   Active Travel - This project will support the work of the existing DfT funded programme Active Access for Growth and the East Sussex Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure plan and the governance structures that support these. Importantly, it supports the East Sussex Healthy Weight Partnership and the work within the public health department to increase physical activity and improve workplace heath. 


b.   Alcohol & Tobacco Social Marketing - This project aims to provide support to those drinking above 14 units per week via a media campaign and uses a new East Sussex Illegal tobacco social marketing toolkit to increase both discomfort levels with illegal tobacco and reporting to local trading standards service.


c.   Isolation & Loneliness - The COVID-19 response, including the development of Community Hubs has helped some previously marginalised groups, but other aspects such as the move to online service provision may have created new problems.  This project seeks to understand the nature and impact of loneliness on East Sussex residents and identify future opportunities and projects to mitigate its worst effects.


d.   Capturing population COVID-19 stories - There is a need for a greater understanding of the impact that COVID-19 has had and continues to have on individuals and families. This project will focus on a pre-determined sample of our population, chosen in order to provide the greatest variety in circumstances and monitor impacts over the coming years.


e.   Men and Mental Health - There are existing Public Health projects for men operating in East Sussex, although the access is not uniform. This project aims to understand where there are gaps and complement and enhance current provision to improve the mental health of men through the life course and reduce the suicide rate in East Sussex, particularly amongst middle-aged men.


f.    Infection Control Support for the Homeless Community - This project will promote the best practice standards around infection prevention and control, with a focus on the current measures for people experiencing homelessness that are at risk for infection during sustained transmission of COVID-19. 


g.   Volunteering App - The NHS Volunteer Responders scheme was developed at pace to deliver a suite of ‘micro-volunteering’ (task based) roles to provide support to people who are vulnerable to Covid-19. This project seeks to explore and test the use of a Digital App as a legacy to continue to support informal task-based volunteering.


h.   Everyday Creativity for the whole population (Cultural Capital) - Working with CultureShift, a Lewes-based arts charity, the programme has commissioned local creatives to work with five population groups most affected  by COVID-19: Young people; Unemployed and furloughed; Personal Assistants; Homeless people; and Care Home residents, staff and families. The aim is to develop everyday creative activities with the aim of promoting well-being, connection and opportunities to learn new skills.


i.    Place-based approach to Physical Activity - This project accelerates plans within the public health review to bring the Lewes and Wealden Districts into alignment with the rest of the county e.g. Active Hastings/Rother Partnership agreements and contract with Wave Leisure for Eastbourne.  The proposed project is aligned to the work of the East Sussex Healthy Weight Partnership and the developing East Sussex physical activity network co-ordinated by Active Sussex and chaired by the East Sussex Director of Public Health.


j.    Research into low rates of COVID-19 in Hastings during wave one of the pandemic - East Sussex has had lower rates of COVID-19 infections and deaths compared to the south east and England, and within East Sussex, Hastings was in wave one, the most protected from the impact of COVID-19.  It is unusual for economically deprived Hastings to have better health outcomes than the rest of the county and South-East, and this project sought to understand if particular protective factors were at play, e.g. geographical isolation, work practices, cultural practices, low levels of population movement, and also explore whether these same factors may hamper or support the area through reset and recovery. 


k.   Maximising the public health impact of Sussex Integrated Dataset (SID) - Joint work with Sussex public health colleagues and NHS to accelerate practical benefits of a Sussex Integrated Dataset, build a community of practice across local authorities, the NHS and academia, and agree ethical frameworks for research and engagement with the public.


l.    Food security and sustainability - This project will develop and strengthen the role of food partnerships across East Sussex in building food security and sustainability and reducing food waste. A whole-system approach will be used to identify how food security and sustainability can be incorporated within the Healthy Weight Partnership plan.


m. Micro-grant funding - Making it Happen (MiH) is about discovering, celebrating and building on the positive things in local neighbourhoods.  During the COVID-19 outbreak, the programme has continued to build links to support and encourage civic and civil action for people in communities.  The programme has continued to develop capacity in the selected areas, but also in other areas across East Sussex where there has been need to encourage community support.


n.   Emotional Based School Avoidance (ESBA) and anxiety - Young people already displaying or considered to be at risk of EBSA will have been greatly affected by COVID-19, schools closing and the ensuing lock-down. In East Sussex, low levels of attendance and high numbers of children deemed ‘too ill’ to attend school due to anxiety related issues, suggest EBSA, even before COVID-19, was a complex problem that needed creative partnership solutions. This project will support children, young people, their families and the professionals who work with them both in and out of school.


o.   Wellbeing and natural capital - This project will work with existing partners to sustain changes in attitudes and behaviours relating to the natural environment following the experience of the COVID 19 lockdown.


p.   Trauma informed care - This is an evidence-based approach to working with people who have been rough sleepers. The approach takes the premise that all people who have been rough sleepers have experienced some level of trauma in their lives and that to best engage with them, a trauma informed care approach yields the best results. 


q.   Housing link worker - A holistic link worker service (called Well-being Co-ordinators) to assess people living in temporary accommodation for health (access to a GP, dentist, screening tests, vaccination), care, lifestyle advice (via Making Every Contact Count and referral to OneYou East Sussex), and support into skills, voluntary work and employment.  Three staff are in place in a co-location arrangement with the Housing Options teams across the boroughs and districts.


r.    Employment co-ordinator - Two specialist broker posts for advice and support into skills, voluntary work and employment.  These posts sit with Skills East Sussex and ensure that people are appropriately referred into existing resource.  The new service is called the ESTAR service


s.   Supporting homeless & vulnerable people into skills, voluntary work & employment - An evidence-based approach to engaging with people who had been rough sleepers, that enables them to take up offers of training, voluntary work etc.  Measures of success will include the number of ex-rough sleepers who are supported to take up training, skills development and volunteer opportunities


t.    Rough Sleeper Transition Support - There is a strong evidence base that links diversionary activity with reduced rates of substance use and relapse. This project aims to provide a programme of diversionary activities to reduce risk of relapse/increase in alcohol misuse and/or illicit drug use through diversionary activities. Staff capacity increased at Merrick House to provide transition support to Rough Sleepers in temporary accommodation to enable them to remain in stable housing post COVID-19.


